Strategic Objectives
The following key result areas and strategic objectives were considered in the 2019/2020AWP
1: To improve health care through provision of efficient and effective services
2: To build a sustainable resource base
- Human Resource- Key Result Area 2.1: Rationalized staffing and productive staff
- Physical Infrastructure and Facilities Key Result Area 2.2: Appropriate, adequate and properly maintained physical facilities and infrastructure.
- Financial Resources and Sustainability Key Result Area 2.3: Adequate and sustainable financial resources.
- Strong corporate image
3: To enhance the competitiveness and image of the Department
4: To institutionalize governance mechanisms and leadership culture that facilitates the realization of the Department’s mandate and mission.
5: To provide HIV counselling and testing services using international standards to foster excellent clinical output
6: To improve client awareness and wellness by providing counselling services on Alcohol & Drug Abuse.
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